Friday, February 5, 2016

Things kids say...

Kids say the darnedest things sometimes. Working in an elementary school means I get to hear some doozies.

This week I heard the following gems:
*while observing a student during a math lesson on multiplying fractions*
Teacher- so you have 2 fractions and you need to multiply them, who can tell me what you do first?
Student A- You
Student B- *interrupting student a* Anyone who likes to multiply fractions IS NOT invited to my birthday.
All students- NO!! Mrs. C, we don't want to do fractions anymore! We want to go to the birthday party this weekend!!

*While in my office with the window open- my office overlooks the playground and a giant USA map painted on the ground and the 1st graders were out playing*
Student A- I'm the abmonimal snowman!!
Student B- NO YOU'RE NOT!!!
Student A- Yes I am!!
Student B- YOU CAN'T BE!!!
Student A- Why not??
Student B- Because you're standing on Hawaii... it's too hot for the abmominal snowman there... you'll melt!!
Student A- Oh no!! Where do I go?
Student B- Someplace with snow!!
Student A- Where is that??
Student B- Right here!
I looked out the window and they were standing in Texas.

And finally-
* I was observing a student in their 4/5 class while another classmate was giving a presentation on lions*
Student A was sharing information about lions and a student asked "Are lions the second fastest big cat?. The student reporting responded with "I don't know, I've never seen one and tried to clock it. But what a fabulous question, we should ask SIRI"


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