Friday, February 12, 2016

Day 3 of 7 weeks

Happy Friday!! I love Friday's and I love today even more because it's my last day of work for 1 glorious week! I can't wait to be off next week and have some down time to get caught up on the necessities- laundry, putting clothes away, TV shows, books and absorbing as much sun as possible since the weather is supposed to be in the 80's all next week!! I'm so excited! Plus we're going backpacking this weekend, so I'm stoked for that too!

I'm on day 3 of my 7 week body challenge. The first day was horrible- low carb plus not getting to eat lunch when I was supposed to because the kiddo I was working with took alot longer than I expected meant I was a horrible grumpy person when I got home and had a headache as a result of waiting so long to eat. It took alot of will power not to go to Trader Joe's and get something to eat, but I really want to do well so I resisted. Yesterday was better- the cravings were only bad at night but I felt like I had a bit more energy and today is WAY better! I felt awake this morning and while it's hard to break the habit of coffee, I replaced it with herbal tea and it worked pretty well. So far I've felt good today. I had steak and veggies for breakfast and my snack of 2 tbsp of hummus and my cup of carrots and cup of cucumber and it was a pretty good snack. It was nice because it's warm outside so having the carrots and cucumber and the hummus was nice and refreshing. Lunch will be at 2 and it's leftover chicken and zuchini/squash from last night and dinner will be chili... yum! I can't wait!

Overall, I'm feeling better, definately less brain fog and not as sluggish as before so that's good! I ran a mile on Monday with a wod between each 800m and ran/walked about 3 miles yesterday with S and 2 friends plus got in an hour of yoga/mobility so that felt good! Today's workout is a partner workout of dips/box jumpover burpees/kettlebell swings and pushups followed by barbell lunges. It doesn't sound enjoyable, but I think S is willing to partner with me so that's always fun.. he's my favorite workout partner <3

I'm going to try to use this space as a way to hold myself accountable for my diet and my exercise for the next 7 weeks! I'm an impatient person so hopefully this challenge teaches me patience since results don't happen overnight! I plan to do a weekly check-in to track my progress so cheers to body fat loss and getting healthy and in shape again!


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday Confessions

I'm linking up with Jess from The Newly for confessions on this Thursday before break.

|| With 2 days before our February break, I'm not feeling the productivity
|| I've started a body challenge at my gym and it's day 2 and I'm dying... I need some chips and chocolate
|| We have a "walking taco bar" provided by the 2nd and 3rd grade teams which consists of individual bags of doritos chips topped with taco meat, lettuce, cheese and sour cream. Clearly it doesn't fit with my meal plan so I've been creating excuses to avoid going into the teacher's lounge. Out of sight, out of mind right?
|| S and I are going backpacking this weekend and I can't wait. 
|| I'm so exhausted- partially because of the low carb diet my trainer has me on and partially because S has class 2 nights a week and I wait up for him to get home
|| I suck at meal planning and making sure I have enough food for this fitness challenge
|| I'm not signing up for the CrossFit open this year... never again! 2 years ago was enough for me
|| K had her baby and I can't wait to go meet and snuggle with my precious Bruce baby
|| It's KC's bday and I'm a horrible friend and can't make dinner with her tonight nor manis/pedis this weekend. I feel like a horrible friend!
|| I love my Wednesday text date night with my sister... gotta keep a running commentary to each other on Pretty Little Liars
|| I love Pretty Little Liars and the Bachelor/Bachelorette
|| I'm off for a week next week and I can't wait. I plan to be slightly productive and get meals prepped, laundry done and the baskets of clean clothes folded, but I also plan to sit outside in the sun and read as much as possible.
|| I read the Divergent series in a week and as much as I loved it, I was very sad about the ending of the series
|| I should be prepping for my counseling session with my favorite kiddo and yet I'm doing this instead.
|| I love all the kiddos I work with my my little one with Autism is probably my favorite.
|| I know WAY more about Minecraft than I ever wanted to... thanks to working at an elementary school
|| It's 82 degrees outside so I'm going to move my counseling sessions outside... because warm sun.
|| I'm supposed to run after work with some friends and every time we meet we swear we're going to run and we always end up walking and talking the whole time... and I'm okay with that!


Friday, February 5, 2016

Things kids say...

Kids say the darnedest things sometimes. Working in an elementary school means I get to hear some doozies.

This week I heard the following gems:
*while observing a student during a math lesson on multiplying fractions*
Teacher- so you have 2 fractions and you need to multiply them, who can tell me what you do first?
Student A- You
Student B- *interrupting student a* Anyone who likes to multiply fractions IS NOT invited to my birthday.
All students- NO!! Mrs. C, we don't want to do fractions anymore! We want to go to the birthday party this weekend!!

*While in my office with the window open- my office overlooks the playground and a giant USA map painted on the ground and the 1st graders were out playing*
Student A- I'm the abmonimal snowman!!
Student B- NO YOU'RE NOT!!!
Student A- Yes I am!!
Student B- YOU CAN'T BE!!!
Student A- Why not??
Student B- Because you're standing on Hawaii... it's too hot for the abmominal snowman there... you'll melt!!
Student A- Oh no!! Where do I go?
Student B- Someplace with snow!!
Student A- Where is that??
Student B- Right here!
I looked out the window and they were standing in Texas.

And finally-
* I was observing a student in their 4/5 class while another classmate was giving a presentation on lions*
Student A was sharing information about lions and a student asked "Are lions the second fastest big cat?. The student reporting responded with "I don't know, I've never seen one and tried to clock it. But what a fabulous question, we should ask SIRI"
